Our company is situated in the heart of the Axarquia region, in Vélez Málaga in the south of Spain where the climate is excellent both in winter and summer, a place ideal for the production of ornamental plants, both interior and exterior.
Our workforce is dedicated to the first class production control of plant material by means of culture techniques specific for each cultivated species, as well as using high quality material and phytosanitary.
At the present time our products are marketed in Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, amongst others.
In this way we believe that our company will be able to meet the ever increasing demands of the European ornamental market.

Enrique Grana | Gerente | Tel.: + (34) 952 541 058

Mónica Ranea Martin | Tel.: + (34) 952 541 058 | Email: moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@acinom
Javier Garcia | Tel.: + (34) 952 541 058 | Email: moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@reivaj

Iulian Saiciuc | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@nailui |+(34) 600 701430
Mario Pezzullo | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@olluzzep.oiram | +(39) 339 5393045
Giuseppe Pezzullo | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@olluzzep.eppesuig | +(39) 330 689716
Iulian Saiciuc | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@nailui | +(34) 600 701430
Javier García | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@reivaj | +(34) 605 465270
Aurora Ariza | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@arorua | +(31) 646 610728
Iulian Saiciuc | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@nailui | Tel.: +(34) 600 701430
Iulian Saiciuc | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@nailui | +(34) 600 701430
Iulian Saiciuc | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@nailui | Tel.: +(34) 600 701430
DACH (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz)
Dirk Martens | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@snetram.krid | Tel. +49 171 20 75 562
Barbara Martens | moc.stnalpaiuqraxa@snetram.arabrab | Tel. +49 174 412 4444